I have a Sacred Need
     To never birth a child;
          To be solely One
               Unto myself.

The only Soul who belongs
     To me
           In me
               Is me.

Invasions, expectations and 
     Expectancies, violating fantasies, 
          Assumptions and pregnancies
                Are not my cross to bear.

I have a Sacred Need
     To BE the Holy Child 
          That everybody seems
               To want me to conceive.

The only child who belongs
      To me
          In me
              IS me:

For thirty years forgotten,
     Invisible, neglected,
          Parentified, devalued,
               Typecast and ignored

By a family 
     That could only see
          My ability
               To be my brother’s keeper,

My mother’s caretaker,
     My sister’s protector, 
         My father’s enabler and
             My lover’s Manic Pixie Dream Girl. 

“Manic Pixie Dream Tarantula” 
     Said the t-shirt I tried
          To order online.
               That’s who I really am inside.

Earthy, furry, quietly wild,
     Magical, web-weaving, and potentially
               (but only for the staunchly uninitiated).

I’ve spent my whole life being 
     Forced to exist for 
         Someone else. Why would I 
               Force someone else to exist

 So that I could again 
Exist only for them?

My Sacred Need to NOT
     Is NOT a lack, an
          Absence, a void,
               Or deficiency.

It is the only space
     I feel free to be
          The muchness, the mostness
                The magnificence, the majesty that is


Just me.

If only you knew
     The relentless fire
          That burns in my core with

Self-Realizing, Self-Actualizing
     Potential and Power,
          Then you'd understand why 
               I CANNOT compromise.

My Sacred Need to NOT
    Is NOT a selfish avoidance,
          An act of cowardice,
               Or a moral failure.

It is a loving embrace of my
     Womb full of cells that would
          Inevitably yield a
              Graveyard of Souls,

Were they to be nonconsensually
     Cursed with life reluctantly 
          Given by a woman who never felt 
               Called to be called “Mother.”

It IS the voice of my
     Maternal instinct ringing
          Deep in the ears of my Soul that says,
               “Leave them alone; They are at peace.”

My Sacred Need to NOT
     Is NOT a dismissal of my
          Sisters who are mothers.
               They felt their deep need to conceive

Just as deeply as my own Soul warned me,
    “That is NOT Your Way.” 
          Their path through birth
               Is not mine to deny, just as

My path through life is not
     Theirs, or yours,
          Or my boyfriend’s, or my girlfriend’s,
               Or my family’s, or society’s,

Or the (literally)
Motherfucking government’s.

It takes a village 
     To raise a child.
          How can I keep helping 
               Families in need If I’m

Always too busy with
     “My own” kids? 
           Does anyone really
                Own anyone else?

“Don’t bleed out on your Golden Path.”

No one can ever be 
     Spread too thin and
         Expect to arrive at their 
              Destiny in One Peace

Or at all.